Regular Member: Tier 1 Revenue up to $4,999,999




Any individual, partnership, or corporation engaged in a business that provides customers with drivers and related personnel principally focused on the trucking industry in the United States shall be eligible for regular membership, provided the applicant meets the further requirements set forth in this Article. Prospective members’ business activities are “principally focused on the trucking industry” if a majority of the employees that they provide to customers are engaged in driving, dispatching, warehouse work, as well as sales, clerical and supervisory functions related to those transportation activities.

Businesses eligible for regular membership that employ fewer than 50 employees are subject to the full dues obligations of other regular members, however, their special assessment obligations are limited to a maximum of $250 per year. Such firms must annually submit to the DECA’s legal counsel documentary evidence (e.g., current federal tax forms such as Form 941) that are sufficient to demonstrate such facts. Notwithstanding any other provision of these bylaws to the contrary, driver-provider businesses employing fewer than 50 employees have no voting rights on issues relating to the special financial assessments in which they do not fully participate.